Advocacy. Awareness. Assistance.
You Are Not Alone.

MARYLAND COUNCIL FOR PROBLEM GAMBLING advocates for treatment, education, prevention and responsible gambling. We are the voice of hope for problem gambling in Maryland.


If you need confidential assistance, you can call 1-800-GAMBLER. The State of Maryland offers free gambling treatment services, which include access to a Person with Lived Experience of Addiction at the Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling. Additionally, there are links to community-based recovery resources such as Gamblers Anonymous, GAM-ANON (for those affected by someone else's gambling), and support from the Maryland Coalition of Families for Family Members. You can also find information about the Voluntary Exclusion Program, which allows individuals to self-ban from casinos and lotteries, as well as resources from the University of Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling.

✓ Preoccupied with gambling

✓ Secretive about their gambling habits, and defensive when confronted

✓ Increasing bet amounts when gambling in order to achieve the desired excitement

✓ Trying unsuccessfully to control, cut back or stop gambling

✓ Restless or irritable when not gambling

✓ Gambling when feeling helpless, guilty, anxious, or depressed

✓ “Chasing” losses with more gambling

✓ Lying to family and others about the extent of gambling

✓ Jeopardizing or losing relationships, jobs, or educational or career opportunities because of gambling

✓ Relying on others to bail him or her out relieve money problems caused by gambling



Any gambling behavior that causes disruptions in any major life area–psychological, physical, financial, social, or vocational.

The good news is if you or someone you know is showing any of the signs of behavior above, HELP IS AVAILABLE. Call this toll free, and CONFIDENTIAL hotline now at
1-800-GAMBLER to be directed to resources in your area.

Personal Recovery is beneficial when there
is Group Unity!

Call or text right now.

At the Maryland Council on Problem Gambling, we are here to equip problem gamblers, their families, and significant others. Some people refer to disordered gambling as the “hidden addiction.” Unlike individuals who struggle with substance use disorders, problem gamblers often show no obvious physical signs or symptoms. On top of that, they may refuse to seek help out of shame or fear of judgment. Some people might not be able to admit to themselves that they have a gambling problem–even after they have lost all their savings due to excessive gambling.

Additional information and resources →

MCPG facilitates discussions about barrier treatments for women who gamble. Our resources sections also raises awareness on why women gamble. Some of the risk factors that lead to gambling could be:
•Women gamble to escape unhappy relationships
•Over 90% of women who gamble are "escape" gamblers
•Escape lifestyle changes such as loss of spouse, divorce, or retirement
•A form of entertainment and socializing.

More info for Women who Gamble →

MCPG supports our Veterans. Did you know that problem gambling on its own affects 1-4% of the general adult population, versus 9.0% for veterans. Joshua Grubbs, Associate Professor, UNM Center on Alcohol, Substance Use and Addiction (CASAA), reported that those who return from deployment, no matter location, branch of service or type of situation are uniquely at risk for developing substance use disorders. Grubbs stated "What we find pretty clearly is that veterans that have PTSD are certainly more likely to have gambling-related problems than veterans without PTSD."  We encourage veterans and others to watch the documentary "Glenn's Gamble" to hear Glenn describe his lived experiences of military service and how he developed a gambling addiction.

More support for our Veterans →